Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Change of Course -[WBP]

So, I've had a week to think about this since my last blog post. My statement of purpose. In class Mr. Sutherland mentioned that the class should blog about something that they want to talk about. Not just some random thing because he required a topic. During the time when the class was writing the rough draft to the purpose of their blogs, I felt pretty uninspired. Looking around seeing everybody write I felt pressured to start as well. So on the spot, I made up something. Culture. Fact is, I'm not that fascinated by culture. I mean I find it interesting, but after a week of thought, I don't want to write about this every week. I've read around on some of my peer's blogs and they seem pretty inspired by what they want to write about. Also it's pretty personal. So, I want to make my blog personal as well. It is my blog after all.

I've decided that I want to write about me. This may be a pretty trendy topic to write about amongst the vast number of students blogging, but this topic is different. This topic has variety. Each blog is about the author. A little piece of the person goes into writing about the blog. So I'm going to be writing about things that matter to me as they happen. Now, it's not going to be 3 posts a day or anything, it's basically a summary of my week.
And this won't just be some blog about how "I went to school today. It was boring. I had a test." No. There's no point in blogging about that. I'm going to use this blog to voice my opinions on a variety a subjects. I hope this goes well because when I usually blog, I don't have much of an audience. Well this time, at least I have some people that I know are reading often instead of those lurkers that never say anything. I hope this blog won't bore you. (much...)


  1. I really like the way you describe the thinking process you went through to figure out what to write about.

    One way to think about this is that no matter what a person writes about, the fact that they're the one writing it makes it "personal" in some sense or another. (Unless you're writing a bus schedule or something utilitarian like that.) Know what I mean?
