Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Statement of Purpose. -[WBP]

For my blog, I would like to write about foreign culture. I want to learn about other countries' lifestyle. The food, clothing, music, art, etc. I'm interested in traveling to different places such as Asian and Europe. I have already visited China 3 times and from my experience, it was simply amazing.

I was still at a pretty young age the last time I've been there, but I had no idea the culture would be so different compared to ours. Ever since then, I've been fascinated by other cultures. Their lifestyles are so unique. I believe we could incorporate some of these things into our own lives to benefit us. Some other things may go on this blog as time progresses.

Another purpose for this blog is that I want to improve my writing by expanding my vocabulary as well as work on the way my paragraphs flow, such as transitions and organizing sentences. Wehn I usually write, I just write and write. I rarely ever think of 'Oh, how am I going to transition from this topic to the next?' This often makes my writing appear choppy and not flow. By expanding my vocabulary I can make my writing go in depth and make it more detailed. I can expand my vocabulary by reading more to get a better understanding of where to place words in a sentence to help it flow better. Reading can also help me on transition with paragraphs and maybe I will get some inspiration too. The reason why I want to improve on my writing is to help me in school as well as the SATs. Writing is an essential aspect of school and if I improve on that I belive my grades will also improve.