Friday, December 4, 2009

I Do, I Have, I Am. (Quickwrite #1)- [WBP]

     Steinberg's Untitled drawing shows three major things in the picture. The first thing seems to be a piece of the earth having the words 'I Am' carved out of it. In the middle of the picture it shows what seems to be clothes or rags hanging from a line, forming the words 'I Have'. Lastly, in the sky it shows the radient, glowing rainbow colors making the words 'I Do'.
      First of all what I think Steinburg is trying to get across in the picture are the essential things in life. The 'I Am' on the bottom symbolizes what the person is. Their identity, the foundation for which everything else is based upon. Who you are means everything in life.
     In the middle of the picture, it displays the words 'I Have' which I think symbolizes the possessions that you gain during your life. This is for both materialistic and non-materialistic things. However, If you look closely you notice that 3 of the words on I Have are stained or dirty. I believe that these are the material goods. We as a people are too focused on materialistic goods nowadays. We're too dependent on these things and they aren't necessarily essential. While the pure, or clean clothes are those things that you cannot buy such as love, having a family, and friends. These things show that you should appreciate what you have, even if you may take it for granted sometimes. Whatever it is that you have, it's based upon who you are as a person. Hence the I Have is resting on top of the I Am.
     Finally, on the top of the picture it shows the words 'I Do'. I think this is the part of the picture that really stands out from the rest. Your actions are who others will view you as, and remember you by. Your actions are also very important and influential to others, sort of like religion which is why I also think it is made to be glowing and in the clouds.

*revised on the spot due to rushing. cut short due to the lack of time. it sounds pretty choppy.

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