Friday, December 11, 2009

To the Teens

Recently I've been seeing a lot of kids stressing about their classes, grades, school in general, and basically just life. A lot of people don't seem to understand that in this point in our lives, we don't even have much responsibilities. For most of us, we're just counted on doing chores and homework. We don't have to deal with taxes, full time jobs, paying the bills, etc. and yet, a lot of people are just freaking out. I understand that high school is important and all, but sometimes people just need to take it easy for a while and relax. Just stop and live life a little. Go for a walk along the beach, hang out at the park with your friends, or look at the clouds. Look around you. Life is beautiful and you should enjoy it instead of going along with the rest of society all the time. Universities and colleges in general nowadays are more competitive than ever to get into, and because of the economy finding a job can be a hassle also.
I think basically anyone could just go straight home everyday from school, study and do homework, and get straight A's. I don't see that as much of an accomplishment. I have a lot of respect for kids who go out at night to hangout with their friends, or go to parties on the weekends. I'm not saying go get wasted and high and I'll respect you or something, it's just the fact that they show that school isn't their only concern.
So the next time you feel stressed out or concerned, just take a breather. A small break from life and spoil yourself. It's a healthy thing to do. Do what you enjoy, and stick with it because when we're older and grow up all this stuff is going to seem like a walk in the park.


  1. double yes. I want to put the last paragraph especially on loop and pump it through the school's PA system, at least three or four times a day.
