Friday, February 26, 2010


Friendship, one of the really major things that I value in life. It's a relationship with a person that you regard with affection and trust. I would much rather have a close knit group of friends compared to knowing every person in the school. Another thing is that I like to keep long term relationships with friends, meaning that I would go out of my way to stay in contact with a person who I feel like is drifting away from me. I value my friends a lot and would pretty much do anything for them. There's just this sort of energy when I'm around them that makes me feel safe and secure. I know most of their habits and how they act, and they pretty much know mine. I honestly can tell them anything about me without having to worry about being embarrassed. I'm really glad that I have the kind of friends that I do because there's people out there with just acquaintances rather than friends.

There's also those types of people who act like they're you're friends one minute and ditch you the next. That's why I'm so hesitant on making new friends or meeting new people. I mean sure, it's a great thing to get to know others, but you can't really tell what a person is like just after a few encounters. Also, there are those who have a misunderstanding of who their friends are. I'm not trying to sound harsh or selective or anything, but it's true. For example, if you're constantly hanging out with the same group of friends and suddenly one day someone just decides to randomly go with your group and act like they've been there the whole time. Like honestly, what are they thinking? Are they just trying to be a part of a new group or just have nothing better do? Either way it just annoying to me. There's just a lot of risks in meeting new people I suppose. You can't be too sure on what kind of information to tell them, and depending on the type of person you are, the trust factor has a big determination in how close you make friends.

The bond between friends is a very strong one. To me, they're basically the family that is there for you when your real family isn't. I treat them basically the same way as my real family, with the exception of being overly polite at times to my family. I guess a better word for them would be an extended family. I'm just really grateful towards all of my friends and everything that they've done to me. This weeks been pretty stressful for me and if it wasn't for my friends I would be in a mess right now. Like there's just something that I don't tell ym family either because I feel like they wouldnt understand or it would make matters worse and so that's when my friends are there for me, they cheer me up and help me through all the rough moments that I have.

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