Friday, February 19, 2010

Quickwrite: Cooperation VS Competition

Prompt- Do people achieve more success by cooperation than by competition?

I believe that it depends on the situation that a person is in that determines whether or not they will become more successful in. It can vary depending on the environment along with the people that may be involved. Cooperation helps because ideas can be shared and the work can also be split up evenly. However, competition gives humans this drive, or determination to achieve success. This pushes a person's work ethic and because of the idea of competition, new successes can be achieved.

The first thought that comes to mind when I think of people cooperating with each other is when they are working together on a project. In any other situation I believe that the person can accomplish the workload independently. Projects require extra work and effort that is expected to be put in. Working in a group can enhance the overall success of this because you have different people collaborating together, with ideas being shared and different strengths, which can lead to success in groups.

As for competition, it all depends on your expectation of success. The human ego can act as a 'boost' in this kind of situation. The thought of coming in first place and being the very best is what drives everybody. The whole world is a competition. This mental drive can force a person to go through great lengths to achieve success. IT however call comes down to the person itself. The person must have a strong will and determination in order to use this mentality as an advantage. Striving to be the best is what every single person has in common. Whether it be at one subject or another, everyone wants to be able to say that they're the best at something, anything.

This whole question can be answered with another question. What is success? Depending on what a person views as success, whther it be a personal one, or one that society recognizes. Either way works, but I personally believe that to obtain the most success, both personally and in society, competition is key. Everyone has a goal they want to reach and it all boils down to this drive that keeps them going. A strive to be the very best that a person can be is the key to success.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a professional SAT scorer, so I hesitate to predict what "grade" this might have gotten on the real test. But it seems to me like if you can do this by hand, in 25 minutes, at 8 or 9 on a Saturday morning sometime in the next year or two, you should be in good solid shape. I think you demonstrate very level-headed thinking, and a good clear essay structure. Plus you go the extra mile in the conclusion and point out that it all depends on a deeper question to begin with...Bravo.
