Friday, April 16, 2010

I am becoming pudgy.

In a world of obesity as well as health freaks, nutrition and dieting are shaping up to be a bigger part of a teenager's life. With constant pressure from magazines, movies, music videos, etc. to look a certain way, many people have resorted to outlandish things to keep up.
Now as for me, I'm not a health freak who is constantly watching my weight or what I eat. In fact, I haven't weighed myself since 2009 and I normally don't care about what I put in my mouth. I'm one of those lucky people who are born with a relatively higher metabolism compared to other people. On the other hand, I'm not a fitness junkie either. I'm not going to be one of those people who goes to the gym other day, nor do I do many workouts outside of P.E. Recently however, I've noticed that I'm starting to build up some fat around my body. I'm normally an average guy, not too skinny, but not overweight either. My current body mass index (BMI) is 22.0 which is average for someone my age. It's just now in the back of my mind every time I put something unhealthy into my mouth, I think 'You're going to regret that.' 
When I was younger I used to be really into fitness, or exercising. I would play multiple sports as well as do some push-ups, sit-ups, etc. at home. I never had to really worry about my weight or appearance. Now I'm not saying my sudden rise of fat has been so significant that I've gone through a dramatic change. No. In fact, most people probably wouldn't be able to tell. However, I can.
In the past week I've eaten really unwisely. Monday started off with a Double Down from KFC. Two pieces of fried chicken sandwiching 2 cheeses and bacon. Probably not the best choice, but I had to try it once. Wednesday for lunch I had a large sweet tea and two McGangBangs from McDonalds. This is a DIY creation made from a McDouble (double cheese burger) anda  McChicken totally a whopping 600 calories each. Friday, I had McDonalds for a second time, stuffing down one McGangBang  and 20 piece McNuggets. This is the type of unhealthy eating, and bad habits that I would like to steer away from. I hardly pass up a chance to eat some fast food since I don't eat it often. I really should be one of those people who watch what they consume though. I mean, it's a good thing to do for your body and it's not a lot of work to maintain.
Due to my laziness, schoolwork and other activities, I don't have much time to work out. I mean, sure I play basketball every now and then for a couple of hours, but there's no better way of losing weight, toning, as well as building muscle than to work out. I suppose I really should start. I know some people may think, why do you worry so much just because you may have put on a little weight? Well, it shouldn't matter as long as I have some motivation to reach my goal. I really don't know. I should just start doing a little every night or so. We'll see how it goes from there.


  1. I've seen ads for that double-down thing. Looks intense as hell. How was it?

  2. Pretty much a rip off. The taste isn't anything special and it's way overpriced. At $4.99 without tax and $6.99 with a soda and fries, its nothing really worth buying. 540 calories, 32 grams of fat and 1,380 milligrams of sodium is just too much.
