Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Memory of Earth Part 3

The final part of The Memory of Earth is basically the only part that makes sense to me. A lot of  the stuff that was confusing before starts to make sense. I started to wrap my head around this weird plot and it turned out to be quite interesting. So basically Nafai, the main protagonist in the story has to team up with his family to find the Index of the Oversoul. Mid-way  through my reading, there was a separate plot twist. This man named Gaballufix, who tries to draw Basilica into a war against the Gorayni. Nafai and his family find out about his evil plan, and they fight with each other about what to do about the situation. They need to retrieve the Index for the Oversoul, but they don't want to kill Gaballufix either. Gaballufix fights back by forcing the family to retreat out of the city and into the desert. He also plans to kill off the influential people of Basilica and overthrow the society's rules. I find that this is a very interesting point in the book, that actually got me sort of interested in it. However I do not think that it should have taken this long, to reveal this type of information to the reader. If this was introduced earlier then I think many more people would be hooked to this book from the start. I've read many reviews about how Orson Card has written an amazing novel and a great start of a series, but I don't see how people could like a book that progresses so slowly. There's just too much extra detail that does not contribute to the main plot whatsoever, so giving the reader too much information can make the story become confusing. Overall, I think this book has room for improvement, but isn't a total failure.

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