Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Teenage Life -[WBP]

I don't know what this post will count for, but I guess I'll still write it anyways.
I kinda fell asleep before doing this and that's why it's being published on the borderline. Excuse me if my thoughts are a little scrambled around.

So due to a lack of inspiration this week with a few mixed feelings I came up with this idea just spontaneously. The teenager's life. As I've said before in previous posts, this is the time to identify yourself for who you really are. The experimental phase you might call it.

During this time everything becomes more relevant to you. You realize that you are involved or related to a lot more stuff than you imagined. For example, you might start paying closer attention to the news because in one way or another, it does affect you. In better words, you become more aware. You start to question things also. Why should you believe what the TV says? Why are you doing so many math problems in one night? Why doesn't he like me? The list goes on and on. This stage in life is a crucial part of becoming more mature and entering society as an adult.

A lot of new factors are introduced as you hit this age. Besides the physical and mental changes occurring on the body, there's also the introduction of money, relationships, planning ahead, drugs, freedom, etc. A lot of things just suddenly pop up into our lives that it takes getting used to. To just get an idea of what goes on, I'll just go into some detail about a few of these things.

Money. Whether you have a lot of it or not, everybody needs it. Society is run this way. If you break it down simplistically, money is basically a substitute for a trade good. In the past people would trade items with items. Like a potato for a tomato. Society has evolved in such a way that instead of this tomato, we use a certain amount of "money" to pay for this potato. Now this idea of money is fake, somebody essentially just turned some pieces of paper/metal into this universal method of trading. Now a teenager's life involves money in a great deal. Due to this newly gained freedom, there are chances to explore new places, try new experiences and to do that, money is required. Money is used for food, hobbies, clothes, transportation, etc. Now an adult might view a teenager's spending methods as utterly ridiculous and irresponsible, but this sudden change of using money wisely takes some getting used to. Adjustment. Through trial and error we learn what to spend on for our essential needs and what to splurge on occasionally.

Relationships. During this time, friendships are created and broken. Due to this freedom, kids are able to meet other kids on a regular basis. Now friendship is a thing that needs to be valued highly. They're basically your second family. The people you go to when your family just doesn't understand you at this point in life. The people you depend on, trust and share memories with. Just like with money, through trial and error we learn who we try and stay close with. Now it is a completely different story when the topic of love comes into the picture, but I'll save that for another post. (If I remember). Through these relationships that a teenager has throughout the course of these years, they learn a lot. I mean, this is basically how a teenager learns everything they know outside of the set education system. This is real life knowledge, not some out-of-the-textbook, filling in the blank bs. This develops our communication skills, our knowledge on various subjects that the school system doesn't have to offer as well as many other little skills. Friends are a great thing to have and should never be taken for granted. Learn from your mistakes.

So, this post was pretty long, but hopefully I didn't bore you that much. And just maybe, you can relate a little bit of your life to what I'm talking about. I'm basically saying, learn how to be responsible, because whether you like it or not, you're growing up. Learn from your mistakes and hopefully you won't repeat them again. Cherish the time you have and appreciate the little things. Well, maybe I didn't mean to say that much in the post, but you get the idea.

*The thoughts above are those based off my own life and opinions. If you do not agree with these thoughts or they are completely unrelated to you, I'm sorry. Write your own post. Everyone's lives are different, it just depends on how you choose to live yours.

With love

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