Friday, October 9, 2009

Thoughts From an Unmotivated Me. -[WBP]

I don't know what I find myself doing these days. For the past week life pretty much seemed like a motion. Something that I just did, without any thought. For school I would just mindlessly obey what the teacher's instructions were, and if I was too lazy, I'd just sit there. Doing nothing. Now I'm sure that this isn't a brand new habit that has come across students, but it's pretty new for me. I used to try and get the most out of my education while in the classroom. Participate in class discussions, ask questions, take notes, etc., but recently I felt a sudden surge in carelessness.

One day in chemistry class, my teacher told the class, "What's your reason for wanting to do good in school? Just because your parents want you to go to a good college and earn a degree? What's the point?" So I've been sort of thinking, what is the point for me to do well in school? I get plenty of pressure from my parents and I used to try and do well in school just because they said I should, but now that reasoning is pretty much dying out. I feel that I need to do good in school for me. The reason why? I have no clue. I can't really think of a legit reason for me to do well in school other than to make my parents proud. I guess this week was just a result of me trying to sort things out.
What's your reason to do good in school? Your motivation to keep you going?


  1. School demands a lot and I'd say it's pretty normal to hit "fallow periods" of academic motivation from time to's a bit crazy to think that EVERYONE can operate at 100%, 100% of the time. Hope you get it all sorted soon, SeƱor Lee.
