Friday, October 16, 2009

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? -[WBP]

Recently a friend of mine (hi Annie) asked what I wanted to do when I grew up. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life when I grew up. When I asked her the same question she responded in detail of how she wanted to work to help developing third world countries and her main goal would be to someday work for the United Nations. This is great, she wants to help others who are not as fortunate as some of us and she would really be making a difference in the world. Me, I'm not really into the public service thing. I mean, I like to help people out, but it just doesn't appeal to me to do that for the rest of my life.

I don't really understand how people can know exactly what they do when they grow up. I mean, most of them don't even have any experience in the field anyways, and if so it's pretty minor. If they haven't experienced the job, how can they just know they'll want to do it? This idea baffles me. Of course there are always a few exceptions to this, but I'm sure this applies to most people.

Deciding on what to do in your life while you're still a kid makes no sense. In this adolescent stage in life your mind is constantly changing, new ideas influence you and this is the stage in life where a person pretty much figures out who they are. Identity. A person's mind is pretty unstable during this time, and yet society expects kids to decide on their occupation that will impact most, if not all their lives.

The point I'm trying to make is that kids should be enjoying what they're doing right now, instead of preparing to be the next doctors and lawyers of the world. I mean, by the time you're grown you'll look back and see that childhood is a time of carelessness. A time for fun, acting social, and a time to learn. Just enjoy life more and stop stressing.


  1. i totally agree with you. i don't know where i'm going as well in terms of career path.

  2. It's in Prof. Christopher's nature to stress
    kinda sad...

  3. Well put, good sir. I find this post quite agreeable.

  4. thats always been one of my big problems. People always say, hey you should be preparing for college so you can get a good job. I just try to forget that we have 3+/- years left til we go on our own world.

    my grades are average or higher. i go home, do homework, play video games, play guitar and don't care about really anything. Everyone tells us to take things seriously. oh well.

    My older half brother who is 36 now, didn't go to college, but went to the marines for 4 years and now hes working in yuma, arizona as a high-end sports car dealership manager. hmmm... i guess we don't always need success for success.

    then again; they say the world is going to end in 2012. we'll just have to see.

  5. i hope the world ends in 2012.
    i'm gonna screw up horribly.
