Friday, January 8, 2010


I haven't blogged in about 3 weeks due to winter break and since then I really haven't gotten any inspiration to write a blog either. So this week I tried to get readjusted to school life again just like everybody else. Coming back from not sleeping until the early morning and waking up in the late afternoons to walking to school in the freezing cold at 7AM can take a while to get used to again.
During this week I've decided that I really want to focus more on my academics since I cannot afford to slip up since finals are coming up. Sadly today I found out I have a C in math class. The irony huh? The week that I decide to work harder is the week I realize I'm really slipping fast in school. I guess I've just had a lot of outside distractions as of late. A lot of hanging out and not enough book time would probably be the blame for it.
So anyways, school also had some good sides to it, getting to see friends again and well, learning again. I know a lot of the times school can be a real pain, but I really do appreciate the fact that I actually learn some important information during the 7 hour period. You know the saying "Somethings aren't taught in school"? Well, the same goes for both ways. Somethings, you just don't learn without school. I guess I'm starting to have a new found appreciation for the place in which most kids dread. I'm not saying I completely love it, but it's a start. So Mr. Sutherland thank you for teaching me something new everyday I enter your classroom, even though you don't get paid as much as you should nor receive enough of the respect that you deserve, I'm grateful.


  1. Wow. It's very kind of you to say this, although if you're learning anything it's YOU doing the heavy lifting for that, not me.

    Take your own advice and stay positive about the stress of academics! You'll make it just fine...

  2. Very good point. haha.
    Sometimes the best advice you can take is your own.

  3. I've been dropping the link to your "to teens" post on tons of people's blogs who say they're too stressed out. Hope I'm getting you some traffic. ;^)
