Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Quickwrite: Writing Groups

1. What are some things you'd like to get out of writing more collaboratively with peers?
I'd like to brainstorm some ideas or at least get some feedback of some ideas that I might've thought of before I begin to write. This process could also help me get through writer's block if it were to occur. Also this might benefit me because it could give me brand new ideas to write about, that I otherwise might have no though of if I didn't have the help of my peers. 
Hopefully my groups can proofread my writing and perhaps offer some suggestions. What I hope to gain from this is to have fewer mistakes gramatically and it can also improve my writing a bit, like help my sentences flow better. 
2. What are some things you'd be willing to contribute to a writing group?
I can basically offer everything that I wish I could get out of from a writing group.Also there might be other services that my group would wish they could get out of from this, and I would do my best to offer that. 
3. Is it more important to you to work with friends, or with people who are writing the same types of things you are? (Of course, it's possible to have this both ways...) Explain why.
I think it would be best to have a combination of the two. A friend would definitely help to give a comfort zone and they have more of a chance to understand your point of view more compared to someone who doesn't know you that well. The benefit of having people who are writing on the same subject would help develop and structure ideas from collaborating and brainstorming. 
 4. What are some "rules" (or at least guidelines) you'd like to see in a writing group?
I would wish for most of the writing to be kept private unless the person wishes otherwise, and also make sure all the members in the group have their needs met instead of everyone just focusing on just one person. I also think everybody should try and contribute or offer some ideas about each person's writing, because the more feedback the better, right? Basically keep it simple and see how the groups develop on their own. 

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