Friday, January 29, 2010

Rainy Days.

Recently it's been raining over here and I'm not particularly fond of the rain. The reason being is because it limits the activities that you can do outside. When it rains most people are forced to go inside and there isn't much to do indoors for me. So with this said, since it's been raining a lot as of late, I've been pretty bored the past week or so.
This gloomy weather definitely effects my mood. The cold wind that blows across my face in the morning, nipping at my ears and the constant rain drenching my clothes isn't the best feeling in the world. I'm the type of person who enjoys waking up to the sunshine peaking through the blinds and illuminating the room making it seem as if you turned your bedroom lights on. With the sun out the possibilities are endless for the things that you can do outside. Now, I feel like the rain has ruined my chances to be outside and I'm forced to be indoors focusing on staying warm. However, it wasn't always like this. I remember a time when I enjoyed being outdoors during the rainy season just as much as I enjoyed the sun.
When I was younger I used to hang out with some friends that also happened to be my neighbors. We would constantly go outside, rain or shine and it didn't seem to matter to me. I remember that we used to splash in the over sized puddles that would form on the edge of driveways and racing with legos down the miniature streams along the edge of the curb. Those times were so innocent and carefree, and now I worry about getting my clothes wet and I prefer staying dry. So I wonder, what has happened that makes me feel this way now? I've never had a bad experience in the rain that would force me to dislike it and I don't think age has much to do with it either because I know some friends that absolutely love the rain. If not for these reasons, then what has made me break the once strong and loving relationship that I had with rain? For now, I will still wish for the rain to go away every time it comes, but perhaps in the future my love for the rain will return to me once again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm also addicted to sun, and I've gotten more and more so as I've aged. So I can certainly relate.

    My only consolation when it's raining is to tell myself, "Well, California needs the water!"
