Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Patient Zero Part 3

This section of the book is by far the best part. Everything that was built up in the beginning and middle all come down to this last section at the end. While I was reading this part of the book, I literally could not put my hands down. I had to finish the book, no matter how tired I was from reading I just could not stop. The descriptions of the fight scenes and the environment are very detailed and it made the book just that much more addicting. The climax of the book occurs when the main protagonist meets the antagonist and also finds out the identity of a traitor amongst them. He ends up fighting them in a bloody battle that is nothing short of exciting.
Also in this section of the book, the author goes more in depth with the different characters and their behavior, a romance blossoms and a new twist is added at the end. The author never ceases to have a boring part in the book, which makes it highly addicting.
During the fighting or action scenes with the book I felt excitement rushing through me, waiting to see what would happen next, or what the outcome would be. At some points of the book I was worried that a lot of the main characters would die off, so the author did a good job on creating suspense too. Another aspect that is interesting about this book is that it tells the story from the antagonists' point of view also. So I read about Joe Ledger, I also got a feeling of what the enemy was up to. Towards the end, the antagonists end up fighting each other, and one of them makes a brave choice to save the world. The ending was typical, but what surprised me was that it leaves no opening for a sequel to follow up on. Overall this was a very good read.

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