Saturday, May 8, 2010

Follow Through.

It's nearing towards the end of the school year and the final stretch is in sight. With less than a month left of school day until summer the only thing that students really have to worry about are finals. This is the test that will make or break many students' grades, including mine. So far the classes that I'm struggling the most in are HP Chemistry, Adv. Algebra 2, and French 3. For all of these classes I basically have a borderline grade. With this being the fact, if I fail any of those finals my grade could actually drop 2 full letters. I'm talking about from an A- to a C+, and since pluses and minuses don't show up on a transcript, it means the difference between an A or a C. It's not only this either. In an effort to bring up these grades for those certain classes, I've sacrificed my grades in my other classes.So basically in the end, I'm faced with dropping grades from my easier classes and borderline grades for the harder ones. This has really been a struggle for me throughout my entire school year. Managing classes, how can one decide which class is better than another? Along with taking 0 period this semester, it just adds onto the homework load and decision making. With the home stretch in sight I still haven't come up with a solution to my problem and so I'm slowly achieving plummeting grades no matter what.
I have found that week by week I just slowly count down until the weekend. The weekend seems so short to me. In my point of view this is how I see things: Saturday is the day off. Your day to relax, hang out with friends, go out, etc. When Sunday comes however, it's when you have to finish all of your homework assigned for the weekend, perform all those household chores, etc. So basically in a full week there are 6 work days in comparison to 1 day off. Also, on Friday night people generally stay up later than usual due to there being no school the following day, however this results in the person sleeping in later and therefore wasting more of their Saturday, aka the day off.
Including the weekend, I find that there are very few things that I look forward to anymore. The only big thing is summer, and even then I'm sure there is a tedious amount of work that needs to be done. Everyday it's just school, school, school. I really hate those teachers that tell you to go out and play, or if we had a nice weekend. Really now? And in 20 minutes you'll be complaining about how nobody did their homework? How do you expect anyone to have an enjoyable weekend with basically half a day off? It's like they're taunting us. Teachers need to learn that giving tedious work doesn't help a student learn, it just turns them more into a robot. Everything becomes automatic, for example stupid math teachers that give you 20 problems that you solve exactly the same way. What is this?! I want a better education, a better quality education at least. Looks like I'll have to do it on my own, another thing that I will have to prioritize...

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