Friday, November 27, 2009

Google Analytics is pretty cool.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do you remeber that time?- [WBP]

I know Weekly Blog Posts aren't required this week, but I'm marking it as one anyways. This was written on my Tumblr, but it may not be posted yet:

Fuuuu. So its 3:17AM right now on officially the early morning of 11/25/09. A lot of things have been going on in my life man. I just feel like I need to type this out somewhere. This is probably going to end up as a queued post so don’t trip if it doesn’t really make sense or anything. It’s just my thoughts on the moment.

What am I doing with my life? We all only go through this ‘life’ thing once. At least that’s what I believe in. We only have one moment to live it, one chance to make it turn out like that of our dreams. All this drama that’s ever occurred, the countless unnecessary arguments I’ve gotten into, the people I’ve hurt, what is the point of all of that? Doing it I mean. Sure, we learn from our mistakes and grow from it, but this kind of stuff seems to always happen either one way or another. It seems like nothing can ever stay the way you want it to for that long of a time. Something ALWAYS happens, no matter what. And when it does, I struggle. I struggle to fight it off, to balance it out, to make everything just like how it was that one moment ago. That moment that will always be stuck in my head. That was my moment of peace, serenity. At that point it didn’t matter what else was going on in the world, I was a happy person. I mean truly happy too, there was not one thought in the back of my mind about anything else, but living in that moment. And now when for whatever reason something happens, I always try to get everything back into that one moment in my life. Or at least I’m trying to create a new moment.

Society dwells on the past so much. Everything that happens, we compare to the past. EVERYTHING. My parents are always telling me “Oh Alvin, you used to be such a good child.” As friends we constantly reminiscence about the past. “Oh remember that one time we were doing this…” As a society we’re even focused on the past. Our economy used to be so good. Our government used to be less corrupt. Constantly we compare everything from the present and link it back to the past. So why does the past keep coming up? Is that past moment, just like mine? That moment that everyone always thinks back to? From my parents point of view, are they just hoping one day that I’m just going to become a ‘good’ little kid again? Comparing every bad thing that I do now with all the good stuff I did back then? From society’s point of view, we as a people are trying to stabilize our economy again right? To get it back it what it was like?

So, I just wonder, does everyone have that one defining moment in their life that they will compare it to everything else? That no matter what circumstance, they just wish and hope that everything was just like that exact moment in the past?

I don't even know if I make sense anymore. At times like this, I just ramble.
(Answers to formspring questions are posted on my tumblr)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Technology- [WBP]

The world today is constantly coming up with new technologies. Better ways to do this, faster ways to do that. If this continues you can look at it from two points of views. A. It betters mankind because we are finding a more ideal way of doing things, or B. Soon technology would be so good we will eventually get super lazy and potentially the technology will take over us.

Now I know there's a bunch of jokes about robots taking over mankind and it is often played out in television shows or movies, but this is a thing that could actually happen. Technology is crazy these days, for example, Over 1 million books are published worldwide every single year, yet a Google Book Search scanner can digitalize 1,000 pages every hour. Soon there will be no need for books. Everything can just be done digitally. Now there's always those die hard fans that will always think it's better to actually hold a newspaper or a book, and I agree with them, but apparently society is not. Everywhere you go all you see is automatic this or faster that. I mean change in technology is good, but I feel as if there is a limit or at least a boundary line that shouldn't be crossed when it comes to technology.

Predictions say that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capacities of the entire human species. If this obsessive need for better, cheaper technology continues, there's not much hope for mankind. I mean I enjoy the tech that we have now compared to even 20 years ago, but I mean at some point I say we need to go back to our roots. Kids these days are addicted to the internet whether it is for games, social networking, or whatever. I mean I say kids should be outside playing football or something on a field. Getting hurt and messy. That's life. Life isn't just about being ranked #1 in some game or having this many number of friends on some website. The littlest things in life can make you happy and you should really appreciate just the things it gives you. There's no need to put in billions of dollars of research or anything over it. Simple pleasures in life are just given to you. Be grateful for it. Perhaps do it for Thanksgiving. Count your blessings. Hahaha. I kinda steered off course, but I have a valid point right?

Only by going backwards, can we truly move forward.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Assumptions.- [WBP]

Last week in PE we had to run a mile for a physical activity test. While the class was waiting for the teacher to give out further instructions a friend of mine asked out loud if anybody wanted to race him. I told him I would gladly race him and to my answer he replied "No way, you're in track."

People should never make assumptions about anything because most of the time they're generally wrong. In this case, my friend didn't want to race me just because I joined the track team last year. Just because I joined a sport that involves running does not automatically make me fast. Practicing everyday for 2 hours along with drills and conditioning has made me "fast". I had to work for it, it's not like the ability to run fast just came to me. Personally, I don't even consider myself fast, I mean there are plenty of people who are faster than me and I don't even enjoy running that much.

The point of this is to say that you shouldn't just assume things of people. It's not a very smart decision and you should have solid facts before coming to a conclusion.

On another note, this blogging this is getting less exciting for me. Before I felt like I really wanted to just write about these various topics that relate to me, but as of late I feel this whole thing as more of a forced task to complete for a grade. I guess I'm just feeling uninspired right now, there's not much going on in my life and so I guess the topics on my blog get a little more dull each time. I really do hope that my readers enjoy some of my posts though. I'm just saying, sorry if my posts aren't that interesting. As Mr. Sutherland said today in class "life feels like it's on autopilot"

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Get saucy…really?! XDD

Yeupp. Just wait, it’s going to be a new trend.

plans for winter?

As in winter break? I’m not really sure yet. Just relax I guess. Hang out with some friends. If you mean by overall winter, I plan to get more clothes to stay warm. haha.

I love you.

Aww. Love you more.(:

do you like pie? becus i do. :D

I LOVE pie. hahaa. Sadly I haven’t has any in a really long time. PUMPKIN PIE FOR THANKSGIVING MAYBE?? =).

I have a growing respect for you.

Thank youu! I feel like respect is harder to earn these days. <3. how’s your life been lately?

Lately it’s had more downs than ups, but I try to make the best out of it. It’s looking better though!

i like pineapples<3

I’m not a huge fan, but I do like it. haha. Random much..?


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Formspring Explaination.

Dang. Hahaha. Maybe you guys aren't getting this?
It's kind of like an anonymous thing where you can like ask me anything you want, if you were too scared to ask me in person or something. Or like to just to have something to use to rant on when you're having a bad day.

Some responses I've gotten:

;o; -o; o
I see you like faces. (: Maybe try words next time?

huh? -michael freddricks
Idk, this is a new thing I'm sort of testing.

What's this for, Alvin? -Charlie Sutherland
I saw this on Tumblr, and I thought it would seem like a cool way to interact with the readers of the blog. This can be used anonymously so I think it would provide a wider range of things that can be said. It's just a test. If this sort of thing shouldn't go on a school blog then I can take it off. Just tell me.

rawrr -Ieat flowers
rawr right back at chaa. :O

A Revised Statement of Purpose -[WBP]

So I was asked to revise my statement of purpose after the 1st quarter ended.
This shall be my statement of purpose of this blog for the second quarter then I guess.

What impressions do you get of the writing you've done so far?
I feel that my writing has improved, however it still needs some work. I think the content that I write about is relevant to the topic, but sometimes I ramble a little too much, or I get repetitive. Although we have done redundancy practice in class I feel that it is harder to evaluate yourself compared to someone else's writing.

How did your original writing goals work out?
Well unlike many other students, I've actually already revised my statement of purpose. So my original plan didn't work out that well. My revised goals have worked out pretty well. I mean, I wanted to write about topics that I felt were important to me, so it's pretty hard to not accomplish that. The second part of my original statement was to improve my writing. Part of this goal was accomplished, but it still needs work.

How have your goals changed for the second quarter?
They pretty much have stayed the same. For the most part, I'm still going to be blogging about topics that I feel are important. As for my writing, I think I should just continue on and see where it leads me. Maybe if I get enough practice at this thing, it'll actually improve. If not, then maybe I'll decide to actually take my writing improvement goal more seriously.

A new change that is actually happening on this blog is that I've actually decided that I might post some random posts in here that are unrelated to the weekly blog post. And so, I've labeled all my past posts with the tag [WBP] for Mr. Sutherland, and others that are only interested in reading about that. The one's without that label can be considered just off-topic posts.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Try It Out

Just testing a little something. If you ask me something, answers will be posted when I get more questions/responses. Just a little test.
Write me a note guys. (: