Friday, November 13, 2009

Assumptions.- [WBP]

Last week in PE we had to run a mile for a physical activity test. While the class was waiting for the teacher to give out further instructions a friend of mine asked out loud if anybody wanted to race him. I told him I would gladly race him and to my answer he replied "No way, you're in track."

People should never make assumptions about anything because most of the time they're generally wrong. In this case, my friend didn't want to race me just because I joined the track team last year. Just because I joined a sport that involves running does not automatically make me fast. Practicing everyday for 2 hours along with drills and conditioning has made me "fast". I had to work for it, it's not like the ability to run fast just came to me. Personally, I don't even consider myself fast, I mean there are plenty of people who are faster than me and I don't even enjoy running that much.

The point of this is to say that you shouldn't just assume things of people. It's not a very smart decision and you should have solid facts before coming to a conclusion.

On another note, this blogging this is getting less exciting for me. Before I felt like I really wanted to just write about these various topics that relate to me, but as of late I feel this whole thing as more of a forced task to complete for a grade. I guess I'm just feeling uninspired right now, there's not much going on in my life and so I guess the topics on my blog get a little more dull each time. I really do hope that my readers enjoy some of my posts though. I'm just saying, sorry if my posts aren't that interesting. As Mr. Sutherland said today in class "life feels like it's on autopilot"

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