Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Do you remeber that time?- [WBP]

I know Weekly Blog Posts aren't required this week, but I'm marking it as one anyways. This was written on my Tumblr, but it may not be posted yet:

Fuuuu. So its 3:17AM right now on officially the early morning of 11/25/09. A lot of things have been going on in my life man. I just feel like I need to type this out somewhere. This is probably going to end up as a queued post so don’t trip if it doesn’t really make sense or anything. It’s just my thoughts on the moment.

What am I doing with my life? We all only go through this ‘life’ thing once. At least that’s what I believe in. We only have one moment to live it, one chance to make it turn out like that of our dreams. All this drama that’s ever occurred, the countless unnecessary arguments I’ve gotten into, the people I’ve hurt, what is the point of all of that? Doing it I mean. Sure, we learn from our mistakes and grow from it, but this kind of stuff seems to always happen either one way or another. It seems like nothing can ever stay the way you want it to for that long of a time. Something ALWAYS happens, no matter what. And when it does, I struggle. I struggle to fight it off, to balance it out, to make everything just like how it was that one moment ago. That moment that will always be stuck in my head. That was my moment of peace, serenity. At that point it didn’t matter what else was going on in the world, I was a happy person. I mean truly happy too, there was not one thought in the back of my mind about anything else, but living in that moment. And now when for whatever reason something happens, I always try to get everything back into that one moment in my life. Or at least I’m trying to create a new moment.

Society dwells on the past so much. Everything that happens, we compare to the past. EVERYTHING. My parents are always telling me “Oh Alvin, you used to be such a good child.” As friends we constantly reminiscence about the past. “Oh remember that one time we were doing this…” As a society we’re even focused on the past. Our economy used to be so good. Our government used to be less corrupt. Constantly we compare everything from the present and link it back to the past. So why does the past keep coming up? Is that past moment, just like mine? That moment that everyone always thinks back to? From my parents point of view, are they just hoping one day that I’m just going to become a ‘good’ little kid again? Comparing every bad thing that I do now with all the good stuff I did back then? From society’s point of view, we as a people are trying to stabilize our economy again right? To get it back it what it was like?

So, I just wonder, does everyone have that one defining moment in their life that they will compare it to everything else? That no matter what circumstance, they just wish and hope that everything was just like that exact moment in the past?

I don't even know if I make sense anymore. At times like this, I just ramble.
(Answers to formspring questions are posted on my tumblr)

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