Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Formspring Explaination.

Dang. Hahaha. Maybe you guys aren't getting this?
It's kind of like an anonymous thing where you can like ask me anything you want, if you were too scared to ask me in person or something. Or like to just to have something to use to rant on when you're having a bad day.

Some responses I've gotten:

;o; -o; o
I see you like faces. (: Maybe try words next time?

huh? -michael freddricks
Idk, this is a new thing I'm sort of testing.

What's this for, Alvin? -Charlie Sutherland
I saw this on Tumblr, and I thought it would seem like a cool way to interact with the readers of the blog. This can be used anonymously so I think it would provide a wider range of things that can be said. It's just a test. If this sort of thing shouldn't go on a school blog then I can take it off. Just tell me.

rawrr -Ieat flowers
rawr right back at chaa. :O

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