Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Revised Statement of Purpose -[WBP]

So I was asked to revise my statement of purpose after the 1st quarter ended.
This shall be my statement of purpose of this blog for the second quarter then I guess.

What impressions do you get of the writing you've done so far?
I feel that my writing has improved, however it still needs some work. I think the content that I write about is relevant to the topic, but sometimes I ramble a little too much, or I get repetitive. Although we have done redundancy practice in class I feel that it is harder to evaluate yourself compared to someone else's writing.

How did your original writing goals work out?
Well unlike many other students, I've actually already revised my statement of purpose. So my original plan didn't work out that well. My revised goals have worked out pretty well. I mean, I wanted to write about topics that I felt were important to me, so it's pretty hard to not accomplish that. The second part of my original statement was to improve my writing. Part of this goal was accomplished, but it still needs work.

How have your goals changed for the second quarter?
They pretty much have stayed the same. For the most part, I'm still going to be blogging about topics that I feel are important. As for my writing, I think I should just continue on and see where it leads me. Maybe if I get enough practice at this thing, it'll actually improve. If not, then maybe I'll decide to actually take my writing improvement goal more seriously.

A new change that is actually happening on this blog is that I've actually decided that I might post some random posts in here that are unrelated to the weekly blog post. And so, I've labeled all my past posts with the tag [WBP] for Mr. Sutherland, and others that are only interested in reading about that. The one's without that label can be considered just off-topic posts.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a very clear way forward for yourself! Keep it up and you'll continue to see good improvement.
