Friday, November 20, 2009

Technology- [WBP]

The world today is constantly coming up with new technologies. Better ways to do this, faster ways to do that. If this continues you can look at it from two points of views. A. It betters mankind because we are finding a more ideal way of doing things, or B. Soon technology would be so good we will eventually get super lazy and potentially the technology will take over us.

Now I know there's a bunch of jokes about robots taking over mankind and it is often played out in television shows or movies, but this is a thing that could actually happen. Technology is crazy these days, for example, Over 1 million books are published worldwide every single year, yet a Google Book Search scanner can digitalize 1,000 pages every hour. Soon there will be no need for books. Everything can just be done digitally. Now there's always those die hard fans that will always think it's better to actually hold a newspaper or a book, and I agree with them, but apparently society is not. Everywhere you go all you see is automatic this or faster that. I mean change in technology is good, but I feel as if there is a limit or at least a boundary line that shouldn't be crossed when it comes to technology.

Predictions say that by 2049, a $1000 computer will exceed the computational capacities of the entire human species. If this obsessive need for better, cheaper technology continues, there's not much hope for mankind. I mean I enjoy the tech that we have now compared to even 20 years ago, but I mean at some point I say we need to go back to our roots. Kids these days are addicted to the internet whether it is for games, social networking, or whatever. I mean I say kids should be outside playing football or something on a field. Getting hurt and messy. That's life. Life isn't just about being ranked #1 in some game or having this many number of friends on some website. The littlest things in life can make you happy and you should really appreciate just the things it gives you. There's no need to put in billions of dollars of research or anything over it. Simple pleasures in life are just given to you. Be grateful for it. Perhaps do it for Thanksgiving. Count your blessings. Hahaha. I kinda steered off course, but I have a valid point right?

Only by going backwards, can we truly move forward.

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