Friday, May 14, 2010

Senior Prom

So Senior Prom has come and past over the weekend and it has been the main factor to why I was so busy. The day started off early because I had to go and get my haircut. My dad drove me to Oakland, I got my haircut, he ended up getting a haircut and we drove back home after making a quick stop to the bank. By the time I finished showering and eating lunch it was around 1PM. I was supposed to meet the group at school around 3:30 so I had plenty of time to kill. I wasted most of it on the computer doing pointless things, or talking to my mom. I never seem to be able to do school work when there is still light outside, I don't know what it is, but it just doesn't feel right to me. Anywho, by the time it was 3:00 I started to get ready by getting dressed and everything. And then, the problem happened.

I knew that something was bound to go wrong today, but I was not expecting it. So apparently I lost my 2009-2010 school ID. I started to freakout for a good 10mins and spent the next half hour trying to find it. My dad had to resort to driving to the bank to get my passport so we could have some sort of identification on me. This really taught me a lesson. Instead of spending those wasted minutes just on the computer before, I could have been double checking everything. Also, it's important to check everything more than once, well ahead of the scheduled date to make sure everything will go smoothly and accordingly. So, to make a long, overstretched ordeal short: I went to school to meet up with the group bringing my school ID from last year and my passport with me, unsure about if I was allowed into prom.

So at school I took pictures, etc. and talked to people. It felt pretty unorganized since there were so many people in the group to keep track of. I ended up being one of the first people to Megan's house (the site where the party bus will be picking us up) and so people started arriving more overtime and a lot of pictures were taken during this time period. I was actually surprised about the size of the party bus, it was a lot bigger than I had imagined and it was nicely furnished on the interior also. So after an immense amount of picture taking, we all piled into the bus and headed off to Pier 29 (I think it was) to have dinner. On the ride there, we blasted music and just started having fun on the bus.  It was a pretty nice ride there and I started to feel more comfortable, considering I didn't know more than half of the people.

So dinner was pretty good, I had prime rib along with potatoes and vegetables. It was a pretty interesting experience eating with people you don't know that well, but it was still fun nevertheless. After the dinner, we all got back onto the bus and started heading for San Francisco. Another round of blasting music and people going crazy on the bus. There was even a pole on there! hahaa. Well, when we arrived I was able to get in and the dance had already started. I saw a lot of crazy people 'dancing' and was pretty surprised when soem teachers didn't seem to mind. The dance overall was fun, they had refreshments and even two chocolate fondue fountains. So I got home around 1AM, crashed in bed and slept the day away.

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