Friday, May 21, 2010

Confessions of an Ecnomic Hit man [Part 3]

Well I have finally finished my last literature circle book. This last part post will be difficult since I will be very tempted to just summarize the entire novel. In the final chapters of the book, it talks about John basically listening to his inner conscience and deciding to write/finish up this book. I actually really enjoyed this part of the book because of all the in depth thought put into every single little aspect of what he's talked about previously in the beginning. Upon finishing this book, a lot of questions are meant to arise from you head. To most of the readers out there this material is a whole new eye opener, and to others, it's nothing more than just a confirmation of your theories. In any case, this book was created and written to inspire. To get the reader to think, take action, not believe everything that you are told. To be honest, it's had some inspiration for me. I doubt I'm going to write to my senators about my concerns about the government, or make phone calls to local politicians and give them my side of the story, but this has inspired me to get others to try and read this book. Spreading this knowledge will do some good in this society. Educate the ignorant, and maybe, just maybe somebody will act upon it. A quote that I believe really summerizes this would be:

"...the world as you dream it, and that we can trade in that old nightmare of polluting industries, clogged highways, and overcrowded cities for a new dream based on Earth-honoring and socially responsible principles of sustainability and equality. It is within our power to transform ourselves , to change the paradigm." pg. 292

Now, think about that quote for a second. If a great amount of people read this book, I can only imagine how society would be different. I don't want to give too much away because this book can put it into better word than I ever could, but nevertheless this book needs to be read. Your mind will be blown one way or another. Wait for my book review, I have trouble holding back what I want to say. Just know, if you want to be more in-tune with the world, reading this book is a must.

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