Saturday, May 8, 2010

Confessions of an Ecnomic Hit man [Part 1]

The New York Times Bestseller, Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins is what I'll be reading for my Literature Circle. I remember first hearing about the basics of this book from Mr. Sutherland when he first introduced the class to the whole concept of literature circles. While he was giving his brief summary on the book, it started to peak my interest. Words like scheme, globalization, hit man, etc. really caught my attention. My first thought after hearing about the book was the movie Zeitgeist which talks about related topics. I didn't enjoy the last book I read, so I figured I would finish the year strong with a book that I will hopefully find satisfying.
After reading the first few pages of the book I was quite surprised at how this book was written. It's a much harder book to read and follow than I had originally thought, but it's still manageable. The first part of the book starts off as an introduction to the author's life, how he got into the business and how he felt about it. The part that I read in which I really enjoyed was when he was situated in Indonesia and instead of living the rich and fancy life of his co-workers, he decides to spend a night out with some locals which changes his views on things. Another part of the book that was touching is when he starts to have a change of heart.
" It shook me to the core. I stomped out of the room and headed for Charlie's office. Halfway there, I stopped, uncertain about what I intended to accomplish. Instead, I turned and walked down the stairs, out the door, into the afternoon sun...A huge lump grew in my throat...I fought hard to hold back the tears; I needed to figure out why I felt so miserable. You're in it for the money. I heard Howard's words, over and over. He had struck a raw nerve." pg. 37
This passage is really emotional and shows the author's conflict in fighting to believe in his morals and gut feelings versus his job and nationalism. As this book progresses I am interested to see what happens. One thing that caught me by surprise is that it's not as action packed as I thought. For some reason I expected him to be an actual hit man at times too, but I guess not. Well, so far so good.

1 comment:

  1. I read this book a few months ago on my spare time, when I borrowed it from Sutherland. Deeper into the book, I couldn't believe that all the events in the book were real and I sometimes thought that I was reading a story, not a non-fiction book. Great shit.
