Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE]: Flooding in Thailand.

When natural disasters happen, it really gets me thinking, are we ever really prepared for anything of that magnitude? Even though you have flood gates and barriers, it proves to be pretty useless when floods actually happen. This was like the same thing with the tsunami in Japan. The water and waves would simply just wash over the walls and into the city. Is there even possible ways to protect against these types of natural disasters? It’s weird to see because even though Thailand is not considered to be a third-world country, the money spent on preventing this sort of situation seems to not be working at all.
Also, as stated in the video, government officials are overwhelmed with tasks to perform since the flooding has occurred. Shouldn’t there have been some sort of plan in case emergencies like this were to happen? I just feel like countries should be more prepared for these types of occurrences, especially if they know there’s a likelihood of it happening. Like California for example, shouldn’t there be more reinforcement on the infrastructures of major buildings and reinforcements to bridges if an earthquake were to happen. I mean, there has been numerous predictions and warning that an enormous earthquake will strike California in the nearby future. Instead of everybody trying to help when the emergency already took place, why can’t people be supportive so we can stop the potential damages from ever happening in the first place? Is there even a state-wide plan that will take into effect when such a disaster would occur? The level of preparedness we are scares me at times.

[Re]: School

I guess I was just in a dreamy state of mind until senior year when all the college, graduating, and applications crashed down on me. That’s when reality started sinking in. I hated myself for not being more studious. I hated that I didn’t really give a shit about grades before and now it’s come back to haunt me. -Damien
This was pretty much an inevitable outcome for me from the moment I entered high school. I never took into account the magnitude that my grades would have on getting into college, or that it would ever be this competitive. I guess the idea of it just never really sank into my head until it was too late. I was never the real studious person anyways.
       No matter how much I would tell myself to study, no matter how many New Year’s resolutions that I would make to get better grades, in the end, nothing has really changed. I still don’t study as much as I should. Instead, I spend my time just lounging around, or hanging out and not really doing anything. The idea of studying never really appealed to me, so I guess it just never became a habit of mine. And what a pity that is.
       If I were to give advice to any incoming freshman, it would be to take school work very seriously, even if it’s freshman year. Honestly, the work load isn’t bad, you just have to be consistent about everything. Homework is pretty much the most important thing. If you turn in every single homework assignment, it’s basically a guaranteed C in the class, because no matter how bad you do on the tests, you would still know the material from doing the homework so much and having the repetition act embedded into your mind. So, now I’m just left with regret and hope that I could make it into a good university.

[Fp]: Writing Quality.

       I feel like my writing is always inadequate or sub-par on this blog. Personally, my best writing comes out when I have inspiration or motivation to base my writings upon. Whenever I do posts on blogger, it just always feels so forced and artificial. There’s never any real substance behind it, or any real emotion even. It’s like I’m doing the assignment, just simply to get the credit, which I sometimes do feel bad about. That’s why I don’t think I would ever want to become a writer; I just can’t be pressured to produce good pieces of work when I have a deadline, or I’m forced to write on a lab day.
       This is partially my fault because given the time frame of a whole week, it should be reasonable and understandable to have some inclination to write about a subject that I have an opinion about, and yet I don’t. I feel as if I’ve lost part of my passion for writing. Before, I wrote because it was an easy way for me to express myself and my emotions, but now it just feels different. Every topic there is to be written about, has already been done. Everything that’s been relative in my life has nothing worthy of being written about. What I’m trying to get across is, I guess people shouldn’t read my blog or posts if they are truly expecting some quality material or things to be inspired by. Truthfully, if I ever do feel inclined to write, it probably won’t even be on blogspot.

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