Friday, October 21, 2011

[CE]: Flooding in Thailand.

When natural disasters happen, it really gets me thinking, are we ever really prepared for anything of that magnitude? Even though you have flood gates and barriers, it proves to be pretty useless when floods actually happen. This was like the same thing with the tsunami in Japan. The water and waves would simply just wash over the walls and into the city. Is there even possible ways to protect against these types of natural disasters? It’s weird to see because even though Thailand is not considered to be a third-world country, the money spent on preventing this sort of situation seems to not be working at all.
Also, as stated in the video, government officials are overwhelmed with tasks to perform since the flooding has occurred. Shouldn’t there have been some sort of plan in case emergencies like this were to happen? I just feel like countries should be more prepared for these types of occurrences, especially if they know there’s a likelihood of it happening. Like California for example, shouldn’t there be more reinforcement on the infrastructures of major buildings and reinforcements to bridges if an earthquake were to happen. I mean, there has been numerous predictions and warning that an enormous earthquake will strike California in the nearby future. Instead of everybody trying to help when the emergency already took place, why can’t people be supportive so we can stop the potential damages from ever happening in the first place? Is there even a state-wide plan that will take into effect when such a disaster would occur? The level of preparedness we are scares me at times.

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