Saturday, October 15, 2011

[RE]: I Just Wanna Be Successful

Successful. Isn't that what everyone wants to be? Well yeah of course, but in this modern way of thinking the general definition of successful is having a good paying job, a family, and overall stability. When your life is set and all you have to do is take care of yourself and your family without any troubles, you're successful. And if you're successful, people are automatically going to assume that you have lots of money. But my definition of successful is different. I believe that being successful is basically being happy and being satisfied with where you are. -France
I could not agree more. Many people relate the American Dream as the equivalent to being successful.  The typical routine that everybody aims to achieve. This standard way of living has been driven into our minds for several generations having people think that in order to achieve success, one must follow these certain steps. Being successful is defined on your life. Everybody's life is different, just because you were born into wealth certainly does not mean that you are successful. Success for a person could mean being the first in their family to go to college, or another may be to ensure that their parents' can live comfortably in retirement. Success is a variable, it all depends on the person and their mindset. Success means reaching your dreams, making something out of yourself and feeling self-worth. See, my parents are stuck on this notion that in order to be successful, you need to have a high paying job, by working your ass off. I want to show them that I'll be happy with what I do, and I guarantee that I'll love it more than anybody who is earning twice my salary. Money does not define success, no matter how important it may seem in life. Happiness is something that money can never touch. The point in your life where you no longer need money to be a gateway to happiness is when you've reached that level of success. I aim to go there, for the pursuit of happiness is my ultimate goal.

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