Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE]: Occupy Wall Street activists remain defiant

As many of you should know about it by now, Occupy Wall Street has been going on for quite a while. With it's growing supporters from politicians and even Ben and Jerry's, the protests have grown into something much bigger than just a simple complaint from the people. This growing movement has spread throughout the country in several major cities.
However, I personally find several problems in movements and protests that are to this scale. First of all, there isn't really a clear and defined message that people are trying to get across. I mean, sure, people are mad about the distribution of wealth in our society, but it seems like people have more to say than just that. They talk about healthcare, the educational system, social security, etc. It's clearly become something more than just the 1% vs the 99%. Also, when you protest, people should act in a professional manner. This means demonstrating peacefully, and dressing up like a professional. The point of this is to get your message across to the people an build up supporters. I feel like a lot of people aren't giving the protestors support simply because they believe that they're just unemployed college graduates with nothing better to do. Wear a dress shirt and tie, slacks, look like you're actually there to be professional about your cause, not just because there's nothing better to do. Other than that, I have my full support towards this movement, and I am anxious to wait for what might become out of this nation wide phenomenon.

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