Friday, October 21, 2011

[Fp]: Writing Quality.

       I feel like my writing is always inadequate or sub-par on this blog. Personally, my best writing comes out when I have inspiration or motivation to base my writings upon. Whenever I do posts on blogger, it just always feels so forced and artificial. There’s never any real substance behind it, or any real emotion even. It’s like I’m doing the assignment, just simply to get the credit, which I sometimes do feel bad about. That’s why I don’t think I would ever want to become a writer; I just can’t be pressured to produce good pieces of work when I have a deadline, or I’m forced to write on a lab day.
       This is partially my fault because given the time frame of a whole week, it should be reasonable and understandable to have some inclination to write about a subject that I have an opinion about, and yet I don’t. I feel as if I’ve lost part of my passion for writing. Before, I wrote because it was an easy way for me to express myself and my emotions, but now it just feels different. Every topic there is to be written about, has already been done. Everything that’s been relative in my life has nothing worthy of being written about. What I’m trying to get across is, I guess people shouldn’t read my blog or posts if they are truly expecting some quality material or things to be inspired by. Truthfully, if I ever do feel inclined to write, it probably won’t even be on blogspot.

Also, click an ad on my blog to support me! <3 Ha.

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