Saturday, October 15, 2011

[FP]: Heh.

I hate college applications. Seriously, they take too much of a strain on my life. What's expected of a student in the present is pretty crazy compared to what it was life in the past. Honestly, we're taking out all this extra time, exerting all this extra effort just to be accepted into a world of debt. The thought in itself is enough to make me sit back and just dwell on the idea for a while. With college tuition and prices increasing annually, the average college student is just looking for a world of debt post-graduation. This is why our educational system is fucked up. I wonder if things are like this in other countries as well, because I'm sure as hell that there has got to be a better solution that what we have to settle for currently.  Isn't the point of going to college to get a better job, to have a better opportunity at the pursuit of a higher salary occupation? What's the point of everything, if the salary is just going to all go back into the education? When are the students going to ever see the efforts of their work benefit them, not for another 3/7/10 years? It's too much for me to handle sometimes. It can be really overwhelming on a person if you sit and think of everything. I just can't wait for the stress to be over. Hello world of debt, here I come!

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