Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE]: Brazilians leading social media boom

It's interesting to see that another country is taking the social medias by storm, especially coming from Brazil, which is quite unexpected. The news of this surprises me because Brazil isn't normally a competitor in the online market, as compared to countries in Asia and Europe.However, the news that they are gaining grounds on these countries is good news. I believe that in this day and age, social medians such as Facebook and Twitter have become basically a standard in terms of forms of communication. Twitter is a very interesting site that can be used for much more than knowing what your favorite celebrity is up to this weekend. It is actually a great way to spread news internationally in a matter of seconds. During the earthquake in Japan, people living in the United States knew about the disaster before the news of it was even broadcasted on television.
I believe that the rise in users coming from Brazil for the use of social media is a good sign because the public is becoming more aware of using the tools readily available around them. Imagining one fourth of the population using Twitter is a crazy thought. Hopefully, some tech start-ups can spring from the country of Brazil and they could have a Silicon Valley effect in their country. The use of the internet and web just encourages the spreading of ideas, and creativity. It is very exciting news to hear that Brazil is starting to take serious advantage to this technology that so many of us take for granted.

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