Friday, September 23, 2011

Honestly, I love things like this. Last week I saw a video of people using liter bottles to light up their homes. I do not know if this is becoming a trend in the Philippines, but it certainly is innovative and effective as well. Not only does it show that people can make use of what they have and find ways to live off it, but it shows the kind of creativity and love for the community that thrives from these towns. Instead of focusing on corporate industries, or making money for the individual, people are getting together to help build better schools, or rebuild roofs. This goes back and relates to my poverty post, although America as a country is more financially secure than these other countries, they are still finding ways to help others, while we are having rising unemployment and a failing housing market. It really just goes to show that people certainly do appreciate things more when they only have the bare essentials. I think that if we got rid of a lot of the unnecessary distractions in our society, we would function better as a whole and produce innovative ideas such as these to help our community, and country. I really wish people were more willing to compromise and focus on the essential issues instead of everyone just worrying about the individual. It sort of makes me want to live in other place just to see how their society differs. We need to change our mindset of things before we try and change our structure.

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