Friday, September 9, 2011

[CE]: China's empty city of Ordos

This video caught my eye and really surprised me that something like this would actually exist. It's really hard to imagine, a rapidly growing town with just a few residents physically living there. I would imagine that it would be a pretty boring place to live since there really wouldn't be anything to do. Also, having the homes being invested into is quite a risk in my opinion. The increase in building infrastructure in the city, and the anonymous investors in the housing market there are all basing their actions on the fact that sooner or later, the town will be filled with people. It's a really weird concept to think about. Starting a town and trying to get a population instead of the standard opposite way. What would attract people to such a place? As the reporter mentioned in the video, it is a town in the dessert so the weather isn't exactly ideal. If the increase in the country's economy keeps rising, it will soon be the dominant worldwide powerhouse, so I suppose the investors do have a safe bet. However, the question still remain: when will people start living in the city? Without people, how can there be jobs other than construction work? If there are no attractions there, then the demand for jobs will quickly vanish, along with an insensitive to live there. I think that this thing could really go either way, but I suppose only time can it's fate.

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