Friday, September 9, 2011

[Re]: Changes

"It's amazing how people change over 4 quick years. I'm sure I've changed in almost every aspect, no matter how much I want to tell myself that I am the same.." -Adam
I believe that for the most part, the change that people undergo during their four years of high school is for the better. Reflecting and looking back now, I think that I was quite a naive freshman. High school is really a place for inner development. Change is inevitable, bound to happen sooner or later, and whether you like it or not, it happens to everybody. In one way or another, you do change.

As seniors, our class has had the most allotted time for development. Basically, our class should theoretically be the most mature, although there are of course a few exceptions to this. Aside from that, I believe this rule holds true throughout the entire populous at our school. Even though I believe that most of the learning you do occurs outside of the classroom, our school as a setting is a center for development. It's simply because you take all these different types of people, coming from different backgrounds, cultures, etc. and putting them all together for half a year, for 7 hours a day. Through this you learn about the type of people you dislike, the people you are attracted to, those who influence you and much more. I really think that's why a lot of people actually enjoy going to school, so you can see people.

I personally believe that I have changed a lot since first stepping into these hallways. The inner workings of my mind are far different than that of four years ago. I feel like I've become more open-minded and aware of my environment. From the way I talk to people to the way I behave in class has even differed from my days as a freshman. I view this personal growth as an achievement because as long as you're happy with who you are and what you're doing, then something is going right in your life.

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