Thursday, September 8, 2011

[FP]: Senior Life.

The top of the food chain, the upperclassmen, senior year has finally dawned itself upon us and it feels odd to be placed in this niche of highschool society. It's hard to believe that we've walked through the orange lined hallways for the past four years. Everything feels routine at this point, from knowing the best routes to get to classes, to knowing where to meet-up with friends during breaks. In addition to all the social perks of being a senior, there comes the ever-so daunting pressure from colleges looming over most of us.

This is where things start to feel a bit surreal for me. Knowing that by the end of this year, we'll have sent off our applications to admission officers to decide on our future based off 1000 words. It's a bit frightening to think about actually. The whole college admissions, SAT, etc. process has had a weird effect on me. I've found nostalgia creeping into my mood more frequently. Perhaps I feel as if I'm not mentally, or physically ready for college yet, or it could just be that I regret not spending more of my time in these past years doing more productive activities. Whatever the reason may be, the fact still remains that each day that passes by, is just another day closer 'til the end. I won't be seeing 95% of the faces that I see currently for the rest of my life. A walk across the stage, a diploma hanging on my wall, and a giant chapter of my life will suddenly come to an end just like that. I hope these next few months will honestly be one of the best times that I will have ever spent in Alameda High, because you only go through this once so you better make the most of it.

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