Friday, September 23, 2011

[FP]: Calvin & Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes was probably the first and only comic book that I really got into. Not only did each panel bring me constant amusement and wonder, but it also stimulated my imagination and changed my perspectives of how I viewed the world. I think it really did play a large role in my childhood as I was growing up. It all started when I discovered my sister's minor collection of the books. I started reading them for fun because they were like cartoons, and I really enjoyed reading at the time. Over time I become more enveloped in the series and it became a sort of addiction. Pretty soon I would ask my sister to order the other books online, and over a period of time I collected all of them, but one. I think I still have them somewhere, lodged away somewhere in a box in my house. Now that I reflect back on the times that I've read the comics, I think what really caught my attention was how they actually made you think. I mean, sure some panels were filled with the intent of amusement, but for the most part, a lot of them had a hidden message behind the humor. It takes a special kind of sophistication and humor to be able to create such a masterpiece like that. I really hope that I will dig up my collection soon because I feel like I would understand more of the "real" message at this age, compared to when I read it as a child. Thank you Bill Watterson, for providing me with countless hours of enlightening entertainment and shaping part of my childhood.

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